When you ask our candidates what they like about us, time and time again, they say the same thing: we’re different.
We’re friendly. After clients and candidates meet with us, two things happen. They feel like we have listened to them and that we care about them and put their interests first. We’re with you for the long run. We use our expertise to make the right match at the right time, but we want to learn that a year or years from now, we contributed to your business and career success.
We’re not a machine. Each candidate who comes through our doors looking for a better life will leave feeling valued. We value diversity and don’t treat you like a number. Yeah, every business says that, but we see every candidate as unique. Our philosophy is that each person has a ‘diamond’ inside just waiting to be polished. Our job is to help them find that diamond and make it shine…..or in other words, enjoy a fulfilling career.
We’re personal. Right from our initial contact, we do all we can to make your experience personal. We strive to respond to every resume, email, and phone call we receive. We try to connect regularly with you once we’ve met, even if only via email.
We’re not perfect. We never claim otherwise. But we try vigorously to do what’s right and always try to improve. If problems arise, we try to immediately find solutions to your concerns. We know that looking for work can be a vulnerable time for people…..we value your dignity and are sensitive to your needs.
We search and recommend many qualified candidates who hail from Saskatchewan, or throughout Canada, the USA and also internationally. Whether we attend a career fair in Dubin, Ireland or source a candidate from small town Saskatchewan, we are always on the lookout for just the right client-candidate match!